Alice now recognizes your voice and will turn on only your favorite songs, even if the speaker is used by several people

News Oct 14, 2022

Yandex voice assistant has learned to recognize the voices of family members. So now each user of the speaker will be able to listen only to their own music, and the recommendations will not be mixed. For example, it will include her favorite Meladze for mom, and Gorillaz for you.

Yandex notes that "the Alice speaker is a family device. Moms and dads, teens and seniors talk to her. Everyone has their own musical passions, which is why it's so important that Alice recognizes all family members by voice."

In order for Alice to recognize all family members, you'll need the Home with Alice app: you need to select your Station in the settings, go to "Sharing" and click on "Remember my voice."

This is not all the news: there are also new features for the smart home. Your loved ones will now be able to control all of their devices with the Home with Alice app. It will not be necessary to wait for the owner of the device, for example, to start the robot vacuum cleaner.
